Saturday, November 10, 2012

Module 5 - Red Queens and Increasing Returns

The movie I reference in Module 4, Minority Report was in my media library. The movie was one of my husband’s favorites. He is a Sci-Fi junkie. If I did not have the movie, it would have been easy for me to obtain it by downloading from my computer or using video on demand. This is an exampleRed Queens” as Dr. Thornburg states of the competition between two technologies and leaving other processors behind (Thornburg, D., 2008). Enhancing would be the category this technology should be placed in McLuhan’s tetrad. The technology choices I had to obtain the movie is the easy accessibility which enhances on previous technologies.


Thornburg, D. (2008). Red Queens, butterflies and strange attractors: Imperfect lenses into emergent technologies. Lake Barrington, II: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Module 4 - Disruptive Power of Second Life

Disruptive innovation offers a lower performance according to what the conventional market has traditionally demanded. Thus, providing new performance attributes that make it prosper in a diverse markets. Social media such as Twitter and Facebook have disrupted many people lives. This disruptive technology has impacted internet users in several ways. It has caused a change in the way we handle business, dating, and education. Many internet users have blogs and Facebook accounts that effect how they handle their business and social life. In school disruptive technology impacts information presented in an online course and how information is filed. Many educators are use Youtube or Schooltube as an avenue to present information. The some educators present e-books that can be a disruptive technology.

Second Life has evolved and is a disruptive technological force that is growing. I believe Second Life will develop in the education system but at a slower rate, most probably over the next five to ten years. Once appropriate filters are created students in K-12 will be able to have access to the main grid for students to be creative. I believe on the social front it could become an unfortunate evil for those who confuse it as reality.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Module 3 - Rhyme of History

Rhymes of history are revealing of technologies that are new developments that result from the influence of previous technology (Thornburg, 2009a). As stated by Dr. Thornburg the Rhyme of History is “an affect of new development that rekindles something from the distant past”. I view Mimio and/or Smartboards as innovation of rhymes of history.


Everyone can identify with the blackboard or whiteboard. The Mimio technological device reinvents the use of these tools. The blackboard was a simple board of matted black paint. The whiteboard is the analogous of the blackboard used in the classroom. The whiteboard is a glossy white surface that uses dry-erase markers. In the past ten years, the whiteboard has become interactive.

The Mimio is the same as a SmartBoard. It is smaller device attached to the whiteboard, connected to a laptop or desktop and projected with an LCD. The whiteboard becomes the computer monitor and the electronic pen becomes the marker. This technological tool was expensive and very few seen in the classroom. Today in the 21st century classroom you will see this device in most classes. As stated by Kevin Kelly’s in the speech “The Next 5,000 Days of the Web” “we have to get better in believing in the impossible”. A decade ago it seemed impossible that there would be a portable device such as the Mimio in every classroom, when there was just one large Smartboard in the school. The gains created in technology in my school system are encouraging to what the future holds.


Thornburg, D. (Producer). (nd). Rhymes of History. [Video Podcast]. Laureate Education, Inc.

Kelly, K. (2007, December). Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the Web [Speech]. Speech delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from:

n.a. (n.d.) What is Mimio? Retrieved from :

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Module 1 Emerging Technology

"> Emerging Technology - The Elmo There are several new technology tools that have emerged in the past few years. Two emerging technologies that have changed over the past six years is the Elmo, and the other is the Mimio. The Elmo has replaced the overhead projector as the tool for projecting images on a screen. The Elmo is a document camera that allows the use of a whiteboard as a screen to project images such as a textbook, manipulatives or objects. It has eliminated the use of copying transparencies, which was used for the overhead projector. It helps to gain knowledge through the use of visual aid. Another advantage of using the Elmo is the ability to engage students who are hands on learners. Teachers or students can demonstrate by using manipulatives or objects placed on the document camera to solve problems. Some challenges associated with the Elmo that I have found is the use of mobility or visual image that is limited. Another challenge is the use of highlighting or writing on the document. You are unable to erase the highlighted, underline area to use in a future class. The cost is considered another challenge for struggling school districts. The average cost for each document camera is $800.00. References: Education Technology Network (2009) Retrieved from Elmo. (2010). Retrieved from

Friday, May 25, 2012

Responded to Yolanda Lyons at
and Tiffany for Module 6 regarding the integration of technology in teaching and learning.

Module 6

Learning in the Digital World

What impact do you believe technology has on the way you learn? In what ways do you learn differently in an online environment from the way you learned in a face-to-face learning environment? What do you believe is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning?

Technology has greatly influenced the way I learn today. The internet and technology devices gives me an abundance of information and ideas to use. It is sometimes too much to absorb but I have been able to navigate and decipher the information needed to gain knowledge. The technology tools available to me have allowed me the comfort and ease of obtaining information wherever, whenever I need it. Today’s technology made the process more efficient. It offers students today opportunities for social engagement with other students and promotes active learning. The online setting of learning is interacting where the teacher is the facilitator of learning. In the face to face setting the teacher seems to dominate the lesson and students are the listeners, taking in information. Driscoll (2005) believes constructivist learning is active learning, learners are engaged in learning by means of problem solving and critical-thinking skills. It also lets learners the opportunity to relate their learning to real life experiences.

It has become imperative and non-negotiable for learning and teaching to be the development of critical thinking and interaction. Technology development of the 21st century has created an atmosphere that learners understanding of how to apply technology used to real world experiences. Learners have an abundance of knowledge gained from understanding and interpretation of what they have learned. The teacher has become the facilitator that guides and allows for learner engagement and construction of their own interpretation and understanding.

Reference: Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Responses to Module 5

I have responded to Valenta Wade at and Jennifer Joseph at

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Module 5 - New Technology

This past fall, I attended a conference where an educator who was an author of innovative educational technology presented. I went back to school and presented to my grade level some of the innovative technology such as Edmodo Animmoto, Voki, YouTube, and Blogger. Most of the teachers were thrilled with the digital tools they can use in the classroom with their students. There were a few negative comments regarding access to YouTube and labs also, learning this technology along with the core curriculum. A few teachers was thrilled and immediately asked me to help create a blog, and lessons that would engage their students. Other teachers expressed an appreciation but said they did not feel capable technologically of maintain a blog for the classroom. I offered to any interested in using any of this technology training, which I did. There were few that followed through in using, after learning how to make their own blog and YouTube video whether for the classroom or for personal use. Keller’s ARCS model could be used to change the motivation of these people, or learners, to encourage success. Keller’s model includes four strategies of gaining and sustaining attention, enhancing relevance, building confidence, and generating satisfactions. It also includes a design process which includes analysis of the audience, defining motivational objectives, and strategies, and trying out and revising as needed. First, I would hold discussions with my colleagues and perhaps survey them to both inform then and to learn about their comfort level, interest in, and technological skills. Then how it could benefit teachers, students, and school thus providing the relevance. This would give me a baseline of information on individual confidence levels also. I may also follow up this initial presentation with an all faculty time in the computer lab where individuals can experiment on viewing other blogs with small groups. I believe working or collaborating with a small group, it is hoped that those with less skill may learn from another person as well as build their own confidence. Lab time may also serve to generate satisfaction because skills could be applied right away. I would also allow for an open question and answer session to provide even more relevance for the faculty as I simultaneously demonstrate how the use of blogs can answer some questions.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I have responded to Leslie Lee, Tracy Snow and Heather Rogers

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Module 4 - Mindmap - Connectivism

 Reflection of Mindmap

When I created the mind map to outline the various connections there were significant areas used that has influence my thinking. I identified a few patterns in the tools I rely on and the level of "connectedness" across different facets of my life. I was a not surprised that the connections in my personal life were so cohesive.  My immediate family uses various types of social networks such as Facebook, email and texting. Then in my professional and academic connectedness I use somewhat similar networks or maybe a little more.  In these areas, I spend time connecting with other individuals, creating knowledge, and sharing information by using such technology as LotusNotes, Pintrest, Mimios, and various internet sites. Sad to think and say most of my personal connections are in my professional and academic areas.

I have discovered Pintrest this year which has created a new way for me to acquire information on a personal and professional level. Through Pintrest I have been able to connect with people I would otherwise never have an opportunity to network and gather inspiring information. The network provided me with not only information, but resources. This is the same with blogs and podcast that I learned to use in graduate school and personally. All of these technological tools have been a great access in gathering information anytime and anywhere.

I have used multiple search engines and key words that provide me quickly a series of references.  I read those references and use their bibliographies to develop further references. Siemens (2006) states that the acquirement realms of learning is fact-finding and inquiry-based which the learner obtains the needed knowledge and actively enter the process in order to assuage personal motivations and interest.  As a student I accumulate a collage of information; I cull it to reduce the information to the most important points.

Siemens, G (2006) Knowing Knowledge. Copyright 2006 by George Siemens.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Module 3 - Responses

I have responded to Ashley O., Michelle Martens Dragalin, and Rashida B. question to me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reflection on Rheingold's Video

Module 3

Reflection on Rheingold - Collaboration and Constructivist

I do believe under the right situation groups of people will come together to create and do for the benefit of all. One particular example is the disaster in New Orleans, when Hurricane Katrina devastated my home town. In a time of disaster family, friends and strangers came together to help. My house went from a home of 4 to a home of almost 20. Many friends, neighbors and colleagues of my husband and me assisted which I do believe was a basic instinct to do well.

Another example has risen in recent years due to the economic crisis families at my school have struggled to keep a roof over their kids heads, and food on the table as many families has all over the country. The teachers at my school have felt compelled to work together to help in providing food for many of our low income and diverse community. Many people such as my colleagues come together for a common good.

Rheingold proposal regarding the use of Wikipedia for collaboration is similar to several tools teachers use in the classroom. Teachers are now using technological tools such as Pearlstree and Pinterest to collaborate and share with others. The educational technology and social media sites that are developed today can be beneficial to collaboration.

I think the collaboration of technology based on constructivist principal should be viewed as an important resource of sharing. The internet brings a wealth of information to groups of individuals who can discuss and share ideas and resources. Constructivist principals create a way that learners can experience learning relevant in their particular environment.

Some ways that technology might be used within the context of constructivist curriculum are outlined in the following sites:

Module 2 - Discussion 2

My Response:

After I read about cognitivism and learning theories on both blogs, the three theorists address persuasive points of view. Downes indicated that people are like computers. For instance, Downes states that if machines continue to evolve by displaying visceral emotions. At this point, behaviorism could regain it place in society (Downes, p. 3). These are convincing arguments, but we must remember that humans construct computers and that we are responsible for how computers think and learn. The more we perfect them the less there are jobs available for individuals.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Learning Theory and Educational Technology

Module 1 - Assignment

What are your beliefs about how people learn best? What is the purpose of learning theory in educational techology?

There are many different theories about the process of learning some are relevant to my belief. In explaining my belief, I need to first understand and define learning. Driscoll (2005) defines learning "as occurring when learners are able to perform actions they could not perform before the learning occurred". Learning occurs through experiences. It is how the learner’s experiences interact and lead to learning which is expressed differently. People learn best when making connections to prior knowledge and are given ample time to process and reflect. When the learner is given opportunities to ask questions, inquiry and provided time to apply, practice their learning and then given positive reinforcement for success. Educators today are facing an uphill battle where they are required to teach the entire compulsory curriculum, prepare for high stake testing and not given opportunities to reteach or follow up on the learner’s mastery of new learning. Glenzer (2005) reflects on behavioral changes is evidence of learning, practice does make perfect in order to achieve the desired learned behavior.
Learning theory with regard to educational technology provides the needed background knowledge about how learners use technology as a teaching and learning tool. Learning is optimized, when educational technology is appropriate for the stage of the learning process. Educational technology is to target different learning styles.
Driscoll, M.P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Glenzer, H. (2005). Living learning theory through My Fair Lady.  Brisitsh Journal of Educational technology