Saturday, October 27, 2012

Module 4 - Disruptive Power of Second Life

Disruptive innovation offers a lower performance according to what the conventional market has traditionally demanded. Thus, providing new performance attributes that make it prosper in a diverse markets. Social media such as Twitter and Facebook have disrupted many people lives. This disruptive technology has impacted internet users in several ways. It has caused a change in the way we handle business, dating, and education. Many internet users have blogs and Facebook accounts that effect how they handle their business and social life. In school disruptive technology impacts information presented in an online course and how information is filed. Many educators are use Youtube or Schooltube as an avenue to present information. The some educators present e-books that can be a disruptive technology.

Second Life has evolved and is a disruptive technological force that is growing. I believe Second Life will develop in the education system but at a slower rate, most probably over the next five to ten years. Once appropriate filters are created students in K-12 will be able to have access to the main grid for students to be creative. I believe on the social front it could become an unfortunate evil for those who confuse it as reality.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Module 3 - Rhyme of History

Rhymes of history are revealing of technologies that are new developments that result from the influence of previous technology (Thornburg, 2009a). As stated by Dr. Thornburg the Rhyme of History is “an affect of new development that rekindles something from the distant past”. I view Mimio and/or Smartboards as innovation of rhymes of history.


Everyone can identify with the blackboard or whiteboard. The Mimio technological device reinvents the use of these tools. The blackboard was a simple board of matted black paint. The whiteboard is the analogous of the blackboard used in the classroom. The whiteboard is a glossy white surface that uses dry-erase markers. In the past ten years, the whiteboard has become interactive.

The Mimio is the same as a SmartBoard. It is smaller device attached to the whiteboard, connected to a laptop or desktop and projected with an LCD. The whiteboard becomes the computer monitor and the electronic pen becomes the marker. This technological tool was expensive and very few seen in the classroom. Today in the 21st century classroom you will see this device in most classes. As stated by Kevin Kelly’s in the speech “The Next 5,000 Days of the Web” “we have to get better in believing in the impossible”. A decade ago it seemed impossible that there would be a portable device such as the Mimio in every classroom, when there was just one large Smartboard in the school. The gains created in technology in my school system are encouraging to what the future holds.


Thornburg, D. (Producer). (nd). Rhymes of History. [Video Podcast]. Laureate Education, Inc.

Kelly, K. (2007, December). Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the Web [Speech]. Speech delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from:

n.a. (n.d.) What is Mimio? Retrieved from :