Sunday, November 20, 2011

Preview - Engaging Learners

Please see attached video of final assignment


  1. Dwanell,

    Good job on your video. You did a great job at showing examples of students engaged in learning and how technology can help student engagement. Good graphics and loved the Star Trek theme.

  2. Dwanell-

    Great job putting your video together! I absolutely loved the Star Wars theme, it was very engaging. I think technology is an integral part of engaging students these days. I feel like they come into school with great knowledge of technology and overall enjoy working with it in the educaitonal setting.

    Nice work!


  3. Dwanell,

    Good video, so far! I'm an audio learner, so I look forward to coming back when the narration has been included. You had some great video moments - the students working on the Venn diagram on the table - for instance. It's really hard to video a projected image, like the interactive white board, so we couldn't really see that. Maybe a still shot of what was on the board would have worked there.

  4. Dwanell,

    I really enjoyed viewing your video. You showed a lot of examples on how to engage the learner. While watching, I was able to think of some things that I could incorporate inside my classroom. In some of your scenes, I think it would have been good to have heard the interactions amongst the students.

  5. Dwanell,

    I found the Star Wars music in the background to be creative. It made me think of a futuristic classroom. You illustrated different means of learner engagement. I did not get that you were introducing a speaker. Some narration would have been effective to complete your overall presentation. Good job. I enjoyed watching your video, it was engaging.


  6. Dwanell,

    All of your shots of the students working showed some great examples of engagement!

  7. Excellent video and very up lifting with one of my favorite music scores! I noticed your bit about the audio not being uploaded just yet. WHere you having issues with it uploadig or synchronizing? It would still be a great presentation if we could have at least read the narration. Good use of visual effects - the studnets and diagram as well as the published works! I hope you can get the audio portion up soon!

    Happy blogging!

    Kimberly Arlia

  8. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I thought the audio of the presentation was working which obviously it did not. I will edit and post again before the end of the course.
